Old Paintings and Maps of Malacca

Drawn by Francis Valentijn in 1726 showing Dutch Sailing vessels and traditional craft crowding the harbour.  A Famosa is on the right bank and St. Paul's Church is on the crest of the hill. A covered bridge spans the Malacca River.

A drawing by Barthelemy Lauvergne, a French artist, who visited Malacca aboard the ship La Favourite in August 1830 showing the old drawbridge spanning the Malacca river.

A pastoral scene drawn by Augustine Earle (1793-1838) an American born travel artist who visited Malacca in 1828..

An 1870 English painting showing a view of Malacca from atop of St. Paul's Hill. Across the river is the Heeren Street and Jonker Street area..

A hand coloured lithograph based on a sketch by B. Laouvergne of the Stadhuys and Christ Church, Malacca circa 1850..

Hand coloured lithograph by Comte Edmond Bigot de la Touanme, Paris, 1828 showing the interior of the Poh San Teng Temple at the foot of Bukit China.  The temple was build in 1795.

A coloured lithograph of the Malacca waterfront published in 1810. Foreground is part of the fort "A Famosa" before its destruction

A French water colour painting of the Malacca river in 1830. At the background is the old Portuguese church and nearby is the flag pole of the British East India Company at the top of St Paul's Hill (Bukit Bendera)

A 17th Centuary Italian Map

The town of Malacca and surrounding countryside, in 1800. The numbers in the map refers to (1) Cheng Hoon Teng Temple , (2) Kampong Kling (Pali) Mosque, (3) Po Swa Teng, (4) Christ Church, (5) The Stadhuys, (6) Ruins of St Paul's Church. .

An old Portuguese map entitled "Indiae Orientalis".

Map of Malacca town and fortress from a Dutch map of 1750.

Map of Malacca at the time of the Archinese siege of 1629, showing the wooden palisade encircling the whole town, from Antonio Bocarro, "Livro das Plantes de Todas As Fotalezas, Cidades, e Povoacoes do Estado da India Oriental..

Old Portuguese Map of Malacca in the 1630s taken from the "Livro das Plantas das Fortalezas, Cidades e Povoaçoes do Estado da India Oriental" 1600s..

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